
Dev Notes

July 28, 2021

Add types to your AWS lambda handler

Lambdas handlers can be invoked with many different, but always complex, event arguments.

July 17, 2021

How to expose a local service to the internet

From time to time you might need to expose your locally running service to the external world

June 29, 2021

For loops in JavaScript (vs _.times)

From time to time I still see a for loop in JavaScript codebases. Linters are frequently angry about them.

June 28, 2021

Sharing scalars between modules with Chimp

Now, starting with version chimp@4.1.2 if you just want to use a scalar in a given module, but do not want to redefine it, use @predefined directive.

April 30, 2021

Adding TypeScript to the official Apollo Platform Tutorial app

I go through the preparation of the official Apollo Platform Tutorial App for adding Chimp to it.

April 27, 2021

AWS CDK Lambda and DynamoDB dependency management

Managing dependencies between Lambdas and DynamoDB tables can get ugly.

April 22, 2021

cypress-cucumber-preprocessor 4.1.0 - TSX and Multiline Step Arguments support

We've just released a new version of the cypress-cucumber-preprocessor package.

April 6, 2021

Chimp 4.0 - resolvers for extended federated types

We've noticed that that resolver was frequently unused and left a significant amount of unnecessary code in projects

March 30, 2021

Better way to use useReducer with TypeScript

Introducing useComplexState hook, a small wrapper combining Redux Toolkit, useReducer with some extra syntax sugar to make things even simpler and more to the point.

March 25, 2021

Dealing with randomness in tests

Let's say we have a function that makes our user feel welcomed by picking randomly one of the available welcoming messages:

March 25, 2021

How to deal with the yarn link "There's already a package called x registered" error

If you work on independent packages (or maybe even open-source npm modules - in which case I salute you!), you probably use the link functionality.

March 18, 2021

Choosing between useState and useReducer

I'd recommend watching me go through the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of using hooks for dealing with state in React.